Monday, April 19, 2010

Backyard Business

I know I've said this before, but my Tyson LOVES to explore nature and our backyard. He came out of his room with all of this "gear" on ready to explore. He had on his adventure hat, his Camelback (in case he got thirsty) and miscellaneous things clipped to his belt loops such as a compass, and a whistle. He told me to grab my camera so I could get some "great shots" of him exploring. Clearly I photograph my kids a little too much.

I still have allergy issues with the Oak and Mold so I decided to stay on the patio away from the green stuff and just use my zoom lens.

All geared up!

This is one of my favorite expressions of Tyson, genuine happiness.

He's laughing because I caught him climbing in the tree.