Monday, November 23, 2009

What's a Bike Rodeo?

Tyson participated in his first Bike Rodeo today at school. What's a Bike Rodeo, you say? First of all, all of the bikes had to pass a safety checklist, and were deducted points for things like missing headlights or loose parts. Then each student had to complete three different riding courses, consisting of a figure 8, riding in a straight line (in which they had to stay between the lines) and ride through 10 cones weaving in and out without knocking down the cones. He did GREAT, I was so proud of him. The Bike Rodeo is put on by the "Dad's Club, so Paul volunteered to help with the event and was able to see Tyson ride. By the way, have I mentioned how much I love his school, they do some of the coolest things.

It was extra special to Tyson because even Grandpa was able to see him ride. I had brought Dad to have lunch with Tyson and they were slotted to ride right after, so we stayed to watch.

Jackson and Tyson

We were so proud of him.

Go Buddy, Go!!!!

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