Thursday, November 26, 2009

Cocktails and Tappas

or S'mores and wine.....whatever!

Wednesday night after a long day of cooking in the kitchen, Paul thought we should treat the kids to some s'mores by the fire. Truth be told, he had been doing yard work and burning brush most of the day, so he had a good fire going by the time it got dark. Tyson always love roasting marshmallows on the fire and couldn't wait to do it with Grandma and Grandpa. As you can see in picture above, the WHOLE family came out for the event.........even Jules.

The kids were carefully watching their Daddy roast the marshmallows.

Grandpa and his babies

Em wasn't crazy about the s'mores, she preferred some of Grandma's taco chips

sometimes........they're sweet to one another, I stress the sometimes

Paul can't resist anything chocolate

I think he had at least 3

yes, that is marshmallow running from his hand to his mouth

Grandma getting some Emmy love

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