Sunday, June 7, 2009

Go Fish

This morning Paul and I slept in (and by slept in I mean 7:45). Tyson usually wakes up between 6:30 and 7. Imagine my surprise when I opened my eyes and saw sunlight peaking through the blinds and no Tyson. However, I did hear talking in the kitchen. Turned over, and yup Paul was still asleep. What was going on in the kitchen? Could Tyson be making us breakfast and putting the coffee on. Really....had the day finally come? Not quite. He was sitting at the table with his stuffed duck sitting in the chair next to him. And there was one intense game of "go fish" being played. He had cards in his hand and Mikey (the duck) had cards sitting in front of him. "Good morning Mommy, me and Mikey are just playing a game, hope we didn't wake you." My heart melted.

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