Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bar stool vs Emmy

And the winner is.........................................................................

My poor poor little pumpkin has had a rough few days.  As if a pneumonia diagnosis wasn't enough she had too add busted lip, and bloody nose to that.  You see she likes to stand on that little bar near the bottom of the bar stool legs.  When she was younger that was ok because the bar stool weighed more that her.  Well now things are different and she's weighs more.  You can probably see where this is going.  Fast forward to Em laying on the ground with a heavy bar stool smack across her face.

 No stitches needed but there was a lot of blood and she is definitely swollen.  And if you look at her forhead you can see when the bedroom wall won that fight.

It's Wedneday........things have to get better.

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