Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Tomorrow bright and early Emmy is having two VERY large tonsils removed along with some adenoids.  We have been tossing this idea around for a few months.  About 5 months ago she came down with a pretty bad case of strep throat.  Her doctor mentioned she had "large" tonsils.  Then about 2 months ago I took her in to see the doctor because she seemed to not feel good and her voice sounded like she had something stuck in her throat.  Her pediatrician took one look and said, "WOW those are ginormous!  You gotta take a look," and he handed me his light.  He prescribed some antibiotics because she had strep again and then he said "we may want to talk to an ENT about getting those removed."  As time passed we noticed that she began waking up during the night and her breathing at night time became quite labored.  She also started snoring......loudly.  Fast forward a few weeks and we went to see the ENT for a consult on Monday.  He agreed that they were about 4 times the size they should be and he recommended they come out.  They were able to schedule it for tomorrow.  I picked up Em from school today and took her to lunch (clearly I was feeling guilty) then we off to the grocery store for some post tonsillectomy food.

And here I am trying not to think about it, trying not to be nervous and worry.  Em on the other hand is extremely excited.  She asked me in the car if the Dr. Richards would give her the tonsils in a "baggie" or in a "box."  She was planning on bringing them home.  She also told every one in her class to get a "good look at her tonsils because they wouldn't be there tomorrow."  Bless her little heart.  I haven't told her she would be missing school for about 5 days.

She crashed out on the couch after her bath.

Good night my sweet punkin!  At least one of us will be able to sleep tonight.

Monday, November 28, 2011

A tablet, Kermit the Frog and "colone"

The tree is up, Ernie is back.....what's left but to go see Santa!

This picture makes me laugh........look at Tyson, when did he get so big?  He doesn't even fit on Santa's lap anymore.  Doesn't stop him though.

Each kid had 3 things on their list.  Which I did not help them write, Tyson wrote his by himself and then he helped Em write hers.  Tyson said he asked Santa for 3 important things,   A Tablet ("you know like an ipad or nook not a paper tablet.")  A Kermit the Frog Doll and "colone" ("the good stuff, like Daddy has").  Em asked for An American Girl Doll "with glasses of course," a Miss Piggy Doll and "craft stuff."  Can't wait to see what Santa brings!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

He's baaaaaaack!!!

Ernie our "Elf on the Shelf" made his 2011 debut this morning in a large bowl of marshmallows.  He also came with a whole table of goodies for the kids, complete with a Christmas craft for each of the kids and some cozy reindeer socks.

 The kids were so excited this morning when they walked into the kitchen and saw this whole spread on the table along with Ernie in the middle.  Ernie even managed to get all of the Christmas books out of the attic and he filled a plate with powdered donuts straight from the North Pole.

I just love the look on his face!  I hope he always believes in the magic!

Who knows where Ernie will be tomorrow morning?

Mi hermana

Yes, Jenn that's right.......you get your own post!

I think this week was eye opening for my little sister.  Life with an energetic 7 year old and a dramatic 4 year old can be quite interesting as well as entertaining. They are nonstop and for some one with no kids it can be pretty exhausting. Jenn and I took the kids to the Muppet Movie and lunch.  If you're keeping track that makes 3 movies for Tyson and 2 for me.  That's right, we saw Breaking Dawn too this week.  Jenn stayed a day longer than Mom and Dad.  It gave the kids and Aunt Jenna a little more quality time together.   Friday we ate breakfast out than did a little unsuccessful "Black Friday" shopping. And we ended the night with margaritas at Mama Roja's.   I think Jenn had a good week with us.  I know my kids and I sure enjoyed having her around.   Tyson even got to sleep with her on her last night here and he thought that was pretty special. She mentioned to the kids that she was planning a trip back here in February......hope she knows once you tell Em and Tyson there are NO takebacks!

We love you Jenn and can't wait for you to come back in February!

Turkey Trot 2011

After I ran my first 5K back in October I thought it might be fun to do a Thanksgiving day run.  I thought it would be even more fun to get everyone involved.  I couldn't think of a better way to negate all of those calories we were about to take in that day than running a few miles.

 It was a brisk 38 degrees that morning at 7:15, but at least it wasn't raining.  Here is the whole crew minus Paul....he was taking the picture.  Me, Brad, Sherri, Marcie (Jenn's BFF) and Jenn
 Jenn was a good sport considering I sort of roped her into it and didn't give her much of a choice.

 It was a pretty cool experience.  I hope to do it again next year but I plan to have the kids run it too.

7 Days of Family Fun

The last week or so has been a blur.  Only because we were having so much fun with my family that it's hard to even remember everything we did.  I will try my best to recap it with some pictures.

Mom and Dad came in Friday night.  They rode the Amtrak Train for the first time and it didn't get it until 9 that night.  Tyson and Paul went to train station to pick them up.  Tyson was very intrigued by the whole train process.  Saturday we spent just hanging out and catching up.  Mom and I took Em to a birthday party while Dad and Tyson went to a movie (that's kind of their thing).  Then that night we took them to one of our favorite Mexican resturants here in Edmond.  Sunday was a relaxing day and a trip to the grocery store (because that's what we do when the 'rents come in town).  That night our neighborhood friends came over for dinner so they could meet Mom and Dad. I was so excited for my friends to meet my parents.  Monday morning rolled around pretty fast.  I was worried the kids would not want to go to school with Grandma and Grandpa being at the house.  I could not have been more wrong.  They were eager to show them their school and their classrooms.  Mom and Dad even got to meet both of their teachers.  Tyson wanted Grandma and Grandpa to have lunch with him. That worked out great since I had to pick-up Jenn at the airport that morning and Mom was going to pick up Em from school anyway.  I grabbed Jenn and we went to lunch at 501 because it's a great ladies lunch place then headed straight to Metro Shoe.  Jenn arrived wearing flip flops so I needed to outfit her feet immediately......it's was in the 40's and raining.  

The next few days involved a few grocery store trips, one liquor store run, more movie dates for the kids with the grandparents and Aunt Jenna, Muppets and Vampires, an early morning 5K, one long line outside of Toys R Us in the freezing cold and lots of yummy food.  Good Times!!!

 Here is the gang right before Mom and Dad took Em and Tyson to the movies.

 We picked up our race packets right before we picked up the pizza the night before and thought we'd make sure the shirts fit. 

 Nothing says 5K ready like pizza and wine!

 As you can see mom is sporting her new do.  She still wears the scarves but she is more comfortable like this.  Her hair is coming in quite nicely.  It's been about 90 days since her last chemo round.  She feels good, her taste buds are back and so is her energy.
 I think I will have to continue this post in another one........it's getting kind of lengthy!

Friday, November 11, 2011

FALLing for fall

Fall is definitely my new favorite season.  Living in South Texas for the last 7 years I completely forgot that leaves changed colors.  There isn't anything better than going for a walk with the kids through the neighborhood trails and enjoying the colors of fall on all of the trees as well as the cool temperatures.

Yay for fall, Yay for sweaters and boots, Yay for bike riding in sweatpants!

Another milestone........

About 4 months ago Paul and Tyson set off to "learn to ride a bike."  Paul took the training wheels off, Tyson put on his helmet and they were off.  And 5 minutes later they were back. Mission unsuccessful!

Then last Sunday Tyson said he wanted to try again.  But this time it was different.  Tyson wanted to learn rather than Paul wanting Tyson to learn.  Just like swimming, it has to come from Tyson.  He has never been one to be forced into anything.  When he's ready, he gets it.

He's been riding every single day after school........ rain, shine, wind, tornado or earthquake.

Guess it's about time to get a new bike.  His long legs have quickly outgrown this one.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I think I need to recap the last few days here in Oklahoma.  When I wrote about Oklahoma and what it had in store for us I can honestly say that Earthquakes did not even enter my mind.  Yeah, sure I knew about the tornadoes and the cold, but that seemed manageable.  Especially once we had our storm shelter put in.  In the last 4 days there has been at least 4 Earthquakes---two of which I felt, numerous tornadoes, and torrential downpours combined with baseball size hail.  Last night in the midst of the severe thunderstorm that lasted about three hours, we had an Earthquake.  AN EARTHQUAKE!!!  I can't believe I am actually writing this.  The kind that shakes your house and makes your picture frames rattle on the wall.  I believe it was a 4.7, which is actually less than Saturday's 5.6. They don't last long but when your house is shaking you don't need much more that 40 seconds to panic.  

Today the kids and I decided to enjoy a normal chilly afternoon. 

Tyson likes a little hot chocolate with his marshmallows!

 I love the different looks here.  Tyson's face says pure bliss while Em is strongly focused on this HOT drink in her little hands.

Tyson never his took his face out of his mug to get a picture.
Looking forward to a much calmer weather week.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's been a good fall, bring on winter!

Our first Fall in Oklahoma has been wonderful.  For that matter I am about 9 days away form calling it a year in Oklahoma.  We moved here on November 15th.  Can't believe we've been here a whole year already!   We have enjoyed lots of new experiences, made lots of wonderful friends, and we have definitely enjoyed the cooler weather.  Here are just a few good pics from Fall 2011!

 This was on Halloween, the kids and I had made treats for their teachers.

Tyson took Paul to their first OU game last month.

We were able to take a trip to Mom and Dad's house.  We always enjoy a pit stop at DQ.

One of our first chilly mornings.  Time to get the coats out.  And apparently it was bright.

Tyson had his class field trip to the zoo and Paul was able to go as a chaperone.

And sometimes it's just fun for me and Em to dress alike.

Paul and I even got to go to a game.  We had a blast and our kids had a wonderful time spending the afternoon with the Henson family.  (Jenn, this pic is for you!)

WOW!!!  As I type this I am overwhelmed with joy as to how lucky my family is and how blessed we are to be able to experience these things together.  One year ago we were living in a one bedroom hotel suite awaiting the closing on our new house.  We had no idea what life had in store for us in Edmond, Oklahoma and we definitely had no idea they had earthquakes.  That is a whole different post.